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What to do in case of engine failure:
Fault: engine stalls while sailing or is switched off:

  1. Do not use a choke!
  2. Full throttle
  3. Squeezing the petrol ball 1 to 3 times
  4. Pull cord
  5. When the engine fires; close the throttle.


Fault: The engine throttles; there is something around the propeller (water plants, reeds or plastic):

  1. Switch off engine
  2. Control panel on 'forward' position. Note: the motor remains off!
  3. Pull the engine forward
  4. Screw cleaning
  5. Putting the engine back in the water.

CAUTION: first push back blocking hook. This is under the forward/reverse lever.


Want to sail for longer than booked? Then call us on the phone number below. We will see if this is possible and then you can pay extra for the extra time afterwards.


In case of problems, call Cnossen Leekstermeer on 0594-512073.