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Television manual.


Turning on the television:


  1. Swipe the (touch) power button on the television.
  2. Then press the power button on the Dune HD remote control. This turns on the decoder (black box). The light turns blue.
  3. Make sure the TV is set to HDMI 2, otherwise you will have no signal.
  4. If the TV is not set to HDMI 2, you can do so by pressing the source button on the TV until the TV shows HDMI 2.

Turning off the television:

  1. Swipe the (touch) power button on the television.
  2. Then press the power button on the Dune HD remote control. This turns the decoder off. The light turns red.

You also use the Dune HD remote control to zap and control the volume.


If there is no signal or interference:


  1. Try turning off the decoder with the remote control (light goes from blue to red).
  2. Wait 15 seconds.
  3. Remove the power cable from the decoder.
  4. Wait 60 seconds.
  5. Reinsert the power cable into the decoder.
  6. Turn on the decoder with the remote control (light changes from red to blue).
  7. Wait 5 minutes.
  8. Everything should now work properly again.